智核骑行| 畅享骑行新生活



智核骑行 - 重新定义骑行




















1. 当地合作伙伴支持


  • 试骑体验:虽然是线上购买,但我们为您提供线下试骑机会,让您在购买前更加放心。

  • 专业组装服务:购买后可选择由当地合作伙伴完成车辆的专业组装,确保每一辆车都达到最佳骑行状态。

  • 快捷维修与调试:无需返厂,本地解决问题,省时省力。

A mountain bike with teal and black accents is positioned indoors, leaning against a white door with geometric designs. The bike has large, rugged wheels suitable for off-road cycling, and a small saddlebag is attached under the seat. The room features a wooden floor and neutral-colored walls, creating a minimalist and clean environment.
A mountain bike with teal and black accents is positioned indoors, leaning against a white door with geometric designs. The bike has large, rugged wheels suitable for off-road cycling, and a small saddlebag is attached under the seat. The room features a wooden floor and neutral-colored walls, creating a minimalist and clean environment.
2. 售后服务本地化



  • 厂家直发:直接从工厂发货,确保每个零件均为正品。

  • 完美匹配:所有配件与整车配置一致,延续原厂品质。

  • 实惠高效:减少中间环节,价格更优,配送更快。

  • 本地化支持网络:类似快递站点的服务模式,为用户提供更贴心的售后保障。

  • 全国覆盖:通过持续扩展合作伙伴网络,实现更多区域的覆盖,为用户带来真正的无忧服务。

  • 无论是车轮更换、刹车升级,还是小零件维护,原厂配件始终是您的最佳选择。


    • 专业头盔:提供多种款式与尺寸,确保安全与舒适。

    • 骑行手套与服饰:舒适透气,提升长时间骑行体验。

    • 车灯、水壶等装备:满足日常通勤与长途骑行的实际需求。

    • 便携修理工具:随时应对小故障,确保骑行无忧。


3. 灵活便捷的骑行支持
Two mountain bikes rest on a rocky, sandy terrain with forested mountains in the background. The prominent bicycle is brightly painted in red and black, equipped with thick tires, and appears to be an electric model. The landscape suggests an adventurous outdoor setting with vibrant greenery and rugged rocks.
Two mountain bikes rest on a rocky, sandy terrain with forested mountains in the background. The prominent bicycle is brightly painted in red and black, equipped with thick tires, and appears to be an electric model. The landscape suggests an adventurous outdoor setting with vibrant greenery and rugged rocks.
A green mountain bike with black tires featuring the logo 'CST ALL TERRAINS' is parked on a path covered in dry leaves. It is positioned against a chain-link fence, and beyond it, there is a lush landscape with palm trees and greenery.
A green mountain bike with black tires featuring the logo 'CST ALL TERRAINS' is parked on a path covered in dry leaves. It is positioned against a chain-link fence, and beyond it, there is a lush landscape with palm trees and greenery.






A mountain bike with a sleek black frame and yellow accents is positioned among lush green foliage in a forest setting. Sunlight filters through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground, while tall tree trunks add a sense of depth and natural element to the scene.
A mountain bike with a sleek black frame and yellow accents is positioned among lush green foliage in a forest setting. Sunlight filters through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground, while tall tree trunks add a sense of depth and natural element to the scene.
A close-up view of a black mountain bike featuring large tires and a prominent handlebar set against a backdrop of lush green foliage. The bike frame displays the brand name in bold yellow lettering.
A close-up view of a black mountain bike featuring large tires and a prominent handlebar set against a backdrop of lush green foliage. The bike frame displays the brand name in bold yellow lettering.
A mountain bike is positioned on a grassy hilltop with rugged tires, a metallic frame, and blue and red accents on the wheels. The background showcases rolling hills covered with lush greenery under an open sky.
A mountain bike is positioned on a grassy hilltop with rugged tires, a metallic frame, and blue and red accents on the wheels. The background showcases rolling hills covered with lush greenery under an open sky.
A close-up view of a sleek, modern bicycle featuring a straight handlebar with hand grips and a small front light mounted on the front frame tube. The bicycle has a minimalist design with visible wiring and a rectangular battery pack integrated into the frame. The background shows a softly blurred, natural landscape with green foliage.
A close-up view of a sleek, modern bicycle featuring a straight handlebar with hand grips and a small front light mounted on the front frame tube. The bicycle has a minimalist design with visible wiring and a rectangular battery pack integrated into the frame. The background shows a softly blurred, natural landscape with green foliage.



A mountain bike is propped against a stone wall with a vibrant green and blue mural in the background. The bike features a silver frame, black wheels, and a sleek design.
A mountain bike is propped against a stone wall with a vibrant green and blue mural in the background. The bike features a silver frame, black wheels, and a sleek design.
